Il cuore del Mare

Michał Jackowski

The Heart of Sea

October 16 to 24 

From October 16 to 24, 2024, Vik Gallery in Milan will host the exhibition of internationally renowned Polish artist sculptor Michael Jackowski, entitled “The Heart of the Sea, which after the summer exhibition of monumental artworks in Porto Rotondo Marina, Sporting Hotel and Yacht Club, to came in Milan.

The project always conceived by Circle Dynamic Luxury Magazine, now in its third consecutive year, includes the two exhibitions: the first always in Porto Rotondo and the second in the city of Milan. The collaboration with the London gallery Cris Contini Contemporary, famous for its ability to promote talented contemporary artists, has provided a way to popularize the culture of art in the north of the Sardinian territory. The exhibition reimagined for Vik Gallery Milan, presents sculptural artworks that take up the concept of human states of mind in relation to changes in the sea and express Jackowski’s unmistakable artistic language, capable of combining material power and conceptual complexity. His sculptures are distinguished by the skillful use of materials such as bronze, stainless steel, resins, and stone, through which the artist explores the tensions and harmonies between corporeal and geometric forms. Jackowski’s technique combines traditional methods of casting and modeling with contemporary processes, such as the use of 3D technologies for the preliminary design of the works. This hybrid approach allows him to maintain the precision of form while expressing the emotional power of the raw material. His attention to detail is evident in every single curve and surface, making his sculptures true “creatures of matter” capable of interacting with space in surprising ways.

da Luglio a Settembre 2024 

nella promenade del marina di Porto Rotondo e presso lo Sporting Hotel Porto Rotondo

Le 5 opere dialogano con i visitatori sugli elementi della natura. Un racconto introspettivo sulle emozioni dell’animo umano.

L’esposizione di Arte Urbana ideata e organizzata da CIRCLE DYNAMIC LUXURY MAGAZINE with CRIS CONTINI CONTEMPORARY.

“Il Cuore del Mare” è il titolo dell’installazione di arte urbana dell’artista polacco Michał Jackowski protagonista dal 25 luglio a settembre 2024 della Promenade del marina di Porto Rotondo, una cornice tra le più belle ed esclusive della Sardegna.

 Come nella storia dell’arte, anche Jackowski segue la tradizione della personificazione degli elementi naturali, contestualizzandoli all’ambiente marino: “Così, spiega l’artista che si definisce sia scultore sia marinaio: le labbra che soffiano gonfiando le gote diventano la “Brezza” e i capelli sparsi rappresentano i venti in “Scirocco” e “Tramontana”.  Sulla costa del porto, come un faro, si erge “l’Occhio del Mare” che guarda la vita della città, mentre in direzione delle imbarcazioni che tornano verso la terraferma è rivolto un occhio chiuso a simboleggiare il “Sogno del Mare”.

Il mare per l’artista non è semplicemente una distesa d’acqua: per quanto possa essere vicino e prendere le sembianze umane, lascia allo spettatore la consapevolezza di come ne conosciamo solo frammenti, dietro i quali si celano tesori ancora da scoprire. Proprio come per gli esseri umani.

from July to September 2024 

at Porto Rotondo Marina promenade and at the Sporting Hotel Porto Rotondo.

The 5 art works dialogue with visitors about the elements of nature.  An introspective tale about the emotions of the human soul.

The Urban Art exhibition conceived and organized by CIRCLE DYNAMIC LUXURY MAGAZINE  with CRIS CONTINI CONTEMPORARY.

“The Heart of the Sea” is the title of the urban art installation by Polish artist Michał Jackowski, protagonist from July 25 to September 2024 of the Marina Promenade in Porto Rotondo, one of the most beautiful and exclusive settings in Sardinia.

“Thus, explains the artist, who calls himself both a sculptor and sailor: the blowing lips swelling the cheeks become the “Breeze” and the scattered hair represents the winds in “Scirocco” and “Tramontana”.  On the shoreline of the harbor, like a lighthouse, stands “The Eye of the Sea” that watches the life of the city, while in the direction of the boats returning to the land a closed eye is turned to symbolize the “Dream of the Sea”.

The sea for the artist is not simply an expanse of water: as close as it may be and take on human likeness, expanse of water: as close as it may be and take on human likeness, it leaves the viewer aware of how we know only fragments of it, behind which lie treasures yet to be discovered. Just as with beings.

About Michał Jackowski

Michał Jackowski è nato il 14 settembre 1978 a Białystok, in Polonia. Si è laureato presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Varsavia, in Polonia. Al centro delle sue composizioni ci sono le persone, la loro condizione spirituale e le relazioni interpersonali. Utilizzando un’estetica classica e senza tempo, Michał inquadra domande eterne che tutti noi dobbiamo affrontare. Gli elementi antichi vanno di pari passo con quelli tratti dal mondo della pop-culture, incoraggiando gli spettatori non solo a riflettere su sé stessi, ma anche sulla loro connessione con il passato così come con il presente.

Oltre che in Polonia, ha esposto le sue opere a Firenze, Roma, Como, Zurigo, Basilea, Londra, Miami, Bergamo, Milano, Büdelsdorf, Malta e L’Aia. È stato premiato alla Biennale di Firenze, all’Artrooms Fair di Roma, all’Artrooms Awards Competition di Londra e onorato due volte con il Premio del Pubblico al NordArt 2022 e NordArt 2023 a Düsselsdorf (Germania).

About Cris Contini Contemporary

La galleria internazionale Cris Contini Contemporary è stata fondata nel 2018 da Cristian Contini e Fulvio Granocchia ed è situata a Notting Hill, nel cuore di Londra con sede anche a Milano e Bruxelles. Cris Contini Contemporary offre ai collezionisti di tutto il mondo l’accesso ad un portfolio eclettico e multiculturale di artisti: dai grandi maestri moderni come Roy Lichtenstein, Pablo Picasso, Lucio Fontana, Andy Warhol e Robert Indiana agli artisti contemporanei più apprezzati quali David Begbie, Endless, Michelangelo Galliani, Ferruccio Gard, Michal Jackowski, Gioni David Parra, Jeff Robb, Simon Berger e tanti altri, con un’attenzione particolare ai grandi temi sociali e di sostenibilità. Inoltre, le collaborazioni continue con Fondazioni e Musei internazionali, e la partecipazione all’organizzazione e gestione di un Padiglione nazionale alla 59. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte – La Biennale di Venezia 2022, contribuiscono ulteriormente a rendere la Cris Contini Contemporary un punto di riferimento per gli appassionati e collezionisti d’arte di tutto il mondo.

About Circle Dynamic Luxury Magazine

Media internazionale di alta caratura e posizionamento, è artefice progettuale di eventi straordinari con l’arte, il territorio, il lifestyle, la nautica e il design, per coniugare la cultura e lo stile inconfondibile del bello e la joie de vivre.

About Michał Jackowski

Michał Jackowski was born on September 14, 1978 in Białystok, Poland. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland. At the center of his compositions are people, their spiritual condition and interpersonal relationships. Using a timeless, classical aesthetic, Michał frames eternal questions that we all face. Ancient elements go hand in hand with those drawn from the pop-culture world, encouraging viewers not only to reflect on themselves, but also on their connection to the past as well as the present.

In addition to Poland, he has exhibited his artworks in Florence, Rome, Como, Zurich, Basel, London, Miami, Bergamo, Milan, Büdelsdorf, Malta and The Hague. He has been awarded at the Florence Biennale, Artrooms Fair in Rome, Artrooms Awards Competition in London, and honored twice with the Audience Award at NordArt 2022 and NordArt 2023 in Düsselsdorf, Germany.


About Cris Contini Contemporary

The international gallery Cris Contini Contemporary was founded in 2018 by Cristian Contini and Fulvio Granocchia and is located in Notting Hill, in the heart of London with offices also in Milan and Brussels. Cris Contini Contemporary offers collectors from around the world access to an eclectic and multicultural portfolio of artists: from the great modern masters such as Roy Lichtenstein, Pablo Picasso, Lucio Fontana, Andy Warhol, and Robert Indiana to the most highly regarded contemporary artists such as David Begbie, Endless, Michelangelo Galliani, Ferruccio Gard, Michal Jackowski, Gioni David Parra, Jeff Robb, Simon Berger, and many others, with a focus on major social and sustainability issues. In addition, ongoing collaborations with international Foundations and Museums, and participation in the organization and management of a National Pavilion at the 59. International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia 2022, further contribute to making Cris Contini Contemporary a point of reference for art lovers and collectors from all over the world.


About Circle Dynamic Luxury Magazine

An international media of high caliber and positioning, it is a project creator of extraordinary events with art, territory, lifestyle, boating and design, to combine culture and the unmistakable style of beauty and joie de vivre.